CultureFest 2022 application process now is open

Warwick District Council is looking for local artists and creatives to apply to take part in their CultureFest next year, which will coincide with the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games. They have launched an easy-to-use Toolkit to provide all the information they need to support their application.

CultureFest will provide a fantastic opportunity to showcase and celebrate the incredible arts, heritage venues, artists and creatives through a month-long series of events and activities in Royal Leamington Spa, Warwick, Kenilworth and Whitnash from Saturday 16 July to Sunday 21 August 2022.

The toolkit provides an outline of the application criteria for next year’s CultureFest which includes details of the curatorial themes, with your activity addressing one of the following: Our place in the Commonwealth, the present moment or stories of Warwick District.

Warwick District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Culture, Tourism and Leisure, Councillor Liam Bartlett said:

“We are very excited to offer this brilliant opportunity to the creatives of the district, to be part of this once in a lifetime celebration of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games. A number of assessment panels will be reviewing the applications we receive leading up to March 2022. So I urge you to submit your proposals to be part of this fantastic event.”

The event or activity must be suitable for children, young people, families and communities that established cultural institutions do not engage.

Creatives do not have to be based in the Warwick District, but work must be presented in the area.

CultureFest aims is to encourage the people who live, work and visit the area to:

Discover or rediscover world-class venues and artists across Royal Leamington Spa, Warwick, Kenilworth and Whitnash.

Find new stories and experiences by young people and emerging talent.

Have fun and enjoy shared experiences with friends and family.

In addition, your work should ‘activate’ spaces and places and challenge people’s perceptions of these areas.

To apply to be part of CultureFest submit your proposal to

The application process starts this month with applications reviewed between December and March 2022.

CultureFest does not have the funds to commission the programme, though the team can support you with funding applications from other funders. 

CultureFest has been developed by Warwick District Council in partnership with the Warwick District Creative Compact made up of 19 members across Warwickshire ranging from Warwick Castle to Shakespeare’s England.

For further information on the CultureFest toolkit visit: 

For an audio version of the CultureFest toolkit visit: 

Warwick District will be hosting the Lawn Bowls and Para Lawn Bowls in Victoria Park in Royal Leamington Spa and the start and finish of the road cycling races in St Nicholas Park, Warwick as part of next year’s Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.