Public invited to provide their feedback on local Public Space Protection Orders
Warwick District Council is reviewing its current Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) and considering options for creating new ones. Residents are invited to take part in this process.
Public Spaces Protection Orders were introduced by the council and aimed at ensuring public spaces can be enjoyed by the community, free from anti-social behaviour. They are not about stopping responsible use, or preventing people from using an area, but they do provide councils with a way of dealing with persistent issues that are damaging the community.
The current Warwick District Public Spaces Protection Orders include:
- dog control and dog fouling
- dog exclusion areas
- intoxicating substances zone
As part of the PSPO consultation, members of the public are encouraged to complete an online survey which is now available on the Warwick District Council website.
Councillor Jim Sinnott Portfolio Holder for Safer, Healthier and Active Communities commented:
“Our aim is to make the district a safe and welcoming place for all, and this involves preventing behaviours and activities which could cause distress to members of our community. The review and update of our PSPOs will help us to do this effectively and to reassure our residents that we are looking out for their wellbeing and their safety. I would encourage local people to share their views on what’s already in place and to carefully consider areas where further PSPOs may be needed.”
Residents have until 9 March 2025 to complete the survey which is on the Warwick District Council website. Alternatively paper copies of the questionnaire can be requested by calling the Community Safety Team on 01926 456010.