Council delivers on commitment to divest funds from fossil fuels
With the COP26 summit in full swing this week, Warwick District Council has confirmed it has fulfilled its climate emergency commitment to divest from equity funds which incorporate fossils fuels.
Following the declaration of a climate emergency in 2019, the Council announced its intention to divest from fossil fuels at the earliest opportunity - ideally by the end of 2022 and no later than the end of 2025.
By divesting from two equity funds in late September, the Council was able meet this commitment ahead of the 2022 aspiration.
Warwick District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Resources & Transformation Councillor Richard Hales commented:
“We have already recognised that fossil fuel investments should be considered as part of the Council’s ‘carbon footprint’. We have therefore taken measures to end investment in funds that incorporate fossil-fuels, even where these are only a relatively small percentage of the funds’ total investments.”
Councillor Alan Rhead Portfolio Holder for Environment & Neighbourhood Services added:
“In light of discussions taking place at COP 26 this week – and in particular those relating to green finance, we are pleased to be helping to deliver real change; taking another important step towards becoming a net zero carbon Council.”
To find out more about how Warwick District Council has been playing their part in reducing emissions in South Warwickshire visit to see our local case studies.