Hardship fund to support vulnerable households

Additional financial support for the District’s most vulnerable residents is being made available by Warwick District Council to assist them with increasing energy and living costs.

£228,900 has been given to the Council by the Government to administer a discretionary energy rebate scheme, with Warwick District Council providing a further £200,000 Hardship Fund to ensure that residents in the District who are already on a low income and feeling the effects of recent price increases can receive financial help.

The Council will be using existing Council Tax information to administer the scheme, with those that are eligible qualifying for a hardship payment of up to £200.

Councillor Richard Hales, Portfolio Holder for Finance, said: “The Council is doing all it can to assist residents during this difficult time. In addition to freezing its portion of the Council Tax, we have agreed a £200,000 hardship fund for our most vulnerable households.

“Residents don’t need to worry about applying for this scheme; our team are working flat out to identify those that are eligible based on the criteria and payments will be allocated automatically.

“Those that pay by direct debit will receive it directly. If you don’t pay by direct debit, you’ll receive a simple form to complete so that we can carry out the necessary checks and make this payment to you.”

Councillor Mini Kaur Mangat, Chair of Warwick District Council, added: “I’m pleased that we’ve been able to almost double this fund so that we can provide financial assistance to our residents that need it most.

“Further support and advice is available if needed. Residents on a low income who are liable for Council Tax should apply for Local Council Tax Reduction. Our website has a range of energy saving tips and advice for improving the energy efficiency of your home, with signposting to organisations such as Act On Energy who can help you access funding and other necessary support services. Council tenants also have access to a Financial Inclusion Officer who can provide help.”

For full information about the discretionary scheme and the eligibility criteria, visit www.warwickdc.gov.uk/hardshipfund

For information, tips and advice on energy efficiency at home including signposting to organisations that can help, visit https://www.warwickdc.gov.uk/info/20468/climate_change/1439/energy_efficiency_at_home/3