Warwick District People's Climate Change Inquiry releases recommendations

Following three months of evidence gathering and deliberations, members of the Warwick District People’s Inquiry into Climate Change will be announcing their recommendations, at a virtual public launch event to be held on Thursday 25 February. 

Since November, a panel of 30 residents, reflecting the district’s population in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, deprivation, geography and attitude to climate change, have been meeting regularly, to discuss the question of, 'What do we need to do in Warwick District to help address climate change by 2030?’.

Led by independent facilitators Shared Future and under the watchful eye of an oversight panel (which includes local business representatives, community groups, local government, academics and Matt Western MP), participants have sat through ten sessions, during which they have heard from experts on topics ranging from the science behind climate change and practical options for making a difference locally to transport, housing, waste and recycling.

The findings and recommendations of the panel will now be published in a report to be used by the Council and other organisations, as part of an Action Plan helping to achieve the District’s target of becoming as close to zero emissions as possible by 2030.

Cllr Alan Rhead, Warwick District Council’s portfolio holder for Environment, said: “The public launch event is a great opportunity for members of the public to be included in our climate change plans and to gain an understanding of what really matters to their representatives on the Inquiry Panel. I would encourage as many people as possible to take part.”

The public launch of the People’s Inquiry will be broadcast via Zoom on Thursday 25 February from 6pm to 8pm. Participants can register for this event here.

Those interested in finding out more about the Inquiry and viewing the video presentations made by expert speakers can visit the Warwick District Council website.