Council takes next steps to develop affordable homes on former school sites in Kenilworth

Warwick District Council remains committed to its objective to deliver affordable, high quality and low carbon housing for the town of Kenilworth following its acquisition of the former Kenilworth School sites at Rouncil Lane and Leyes Lane.

To this end the Council has identified three key ambitions:

  • For a significant percentage to be affordable, as part WDC’s commitment to address the national housing crisis, with a minimum target of 40%
  • To create exemplar low carbon homes and as part of this to thoroughly assess the potential for Passivhaus and other low energy approaches
  • That these developments should complement the local Kenilworth community

To guide the Council in the development of their vision Spruce Retrofit has been appointed. The specialists will provide advice on low cost, low carbon options and the potential for Passivhaus developments for the sites, which go beyond the requirements of the Council’s newly adopted net zero Development Plan Document (DPD).

Once this work is complete the Council’s housing team will work alongside development and regeneration experts Altair Ltd, who have been commissioned to advise on how the sites can be viably developed to achieve these ambitions.

The Council is expecting to receive the findings of Spruce and Altair during April and will use their recommendations to finalise specification requirements and to accelerate the delivery of housing on the sites. There will also be engagement with local stakeholders and residents as the plans progress.

Councillor Lowell Williams, Portfolio Holder for Climate Change commented:

“Ownership of these strategic sites has offered the Council a golden opportunity to bring forward a significant number of affordable homes with outstanding energy efficiency and minimal emissions. Aiming for a Passivhaus standard for these new homes, supports our low cost, strategy, offering our residents lower energy bills, improved comfort all year round whilst contributing towards reducing emissions to address climate change.”

Councillor Helen Adkins, Portfolio Holder for Housing added:

“With house prices in Kenilworth significantly above the national average and escalating energy costs, the need for affordable, energy efficient housing has never been greater. It is therefore vital that the homes developed on these sites should help to address these issues.”