Statement: Christine Ledger Square
Warwick District Council acts to protect their tenants and leaseholders living in Christine Ledger Square, following concerns about safety.
Fire safety issues, and subsequent investigative works have led to concerns about how the building would respond in the case of fire which have resulted in the tenants and leaseholders being offered alternative, temporary accommodation.
Jan Matecki, Portfolio Holder for Housing said:
“The safety and welfare of our residents is our number one priority. Based on all the information we have received from our specialist surveys and investigations, and from information we have at hand, we consider that the building falls well below the standards that which we, as Landlords, can accept. This leaves us with absolutely no alternative but to protect residents.
It is not a decision we have taken lightly, particularly as it is so close to Christmas, but given our concerns with the safety of the building, we cannot ignore the situation. We will offer residents alternative accommodation, supporting them, practically and financially to move out of the flats, as quickly as we possibly can.”
The Housing team will be meeting with residents throughout this week and discussing with them their individual needs, so that they can be matched to alternative accommodation. Residents have the opportunity to meet with Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service later this week to hear their assessment of the situation.