South Warwickshire Local plan consultation

Following agreement by Councillors from Warwick and Stratford-on-Avon District Councils last month, residents, businesses and other stakeholders are invited to have their say on the next stage of the new South Warwickshire Local Plan, which will cover the combined geographic area of both Councils for the next 25 years.

Once adopted the Plan will set out how both Councils ensure delivery of the infrastructure, open spaces, employment sites and homes meet our needs up to 2050. The plan will be the basis upon which all planning applications will be determined in a way that supports those needs and how we address the pressing issues around climate change, biodiversity, connectivity, and resident wellbeing.

The ‘Issues and Options’ Consultation which runs from 9 January to 6 March 2023, focuses specifically on the options for how and where development should take place. This is a critical phase of the plan making process. The work done to date draws on responses to the previous ‘Scoping and Call for Sites’ consultation undertaken in 2021 and will give residents, businesses, and other stakeholders the opportunity to comment on the suitability, sustainability and desirability of each of the potential options identified by both Councils at the first stage. It will also include a second call for sites.

Warwick District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Place and Economy, Councillor John Cooke commented:

“This is another crucial step in the development of our combined Local Plan, which will determine where we should locate the homes and employment land that we need in the coming decades and ensure that this development happens in the most sustainable locations – places that work best for people, for businesses and for the environment. The ‘Issues and Options’ consultation will give local people the opportunity to look in more detail at the topic areas identified and responses received to date, get an overview of the key development issues faced in South Warwickshire and examine the evidence received during the process from experts and specialists and through in-house research.”  

Cllr Daren Pemberton, Deputy Leader of Stratford-on-Avon District Council and Place & Economy Portfolio Holder added:

“Great strides have been made since the first consultation exercise to get the South Warwickshire Local Plan to the point where we can now put forward real potential options for what, how and where we build across our two Districts. The plan is ambitious and has addressing the impacts of climate change at its heart by seeking to ensure development is sustainable. I am proud that we are the first two authorities to actively engage with the Met. Office to inform our approach to plan making. Now is the first, but not last opportunity for residents, businesses and other stakeholders to take a closer look at the emerging plan and make their views known on the proposals so that we can shape the next stage of the plan which will then be subject to a further consultation. This is important stuff for us all so I hope as many residents, business and stakeholders take time to comment on the areas that matter most to them.”

You can find out more information about the South Warwickshire Local Plan, make comment on the latest consultation and find details of a number of online and face to face consultation events being held by visiting Hard copies of the documents are available to view at libraries, Riverside House, Leamington Spa and Elizabeth House, Stratford-on-Avon.

Comments on the ‘Issues and Options’ consultation must be received by 5pm on Monday 6 March.

Further contact information for the South Warwickshire Local Plan.

Stratford-on-Avon District Council:

Phone 01789 267575

Warwick District Council:

Phone 01926 456525