Promote your business to 75,000 local residents, with the Go CV app!

Go CV is a free membership scheme that rewards Coventry residents – it has just surpassed 75,000 members! To celebrate this, Go CV is working with award-winning technology company, bubltown, to release a mobile app.

Coventry residents are set to be able to take advantage of even more discounts and early bird tickets when resident scheme Go CV launches an app.

The app will enable every Coventry resident that downloads it to access a wide range of offers on the go. But, also for the first time it will give every Coventry business owner the opportunity to promote their business for free.

Ahead of the summer launch to residents, businesses are beginning to be contacted to invite them to register their business on the app as part of the Council’s commitment to continue supporting local business as well as providing discounts for local people. Local business will be able to run promotions and campaigns via the app, helping them to reach new customers.

In line with Coventry’s commitment to helping local businesses grow Coventry City Council has partnered with global award-winning technology company bubltown to deliver the app. The unique bubltown platform provides businesses with an easy-to-use tool to win more local customer.

Cllr Kamran Caan said, “This new app means Go CV members will be able to access exclusive rewards and discounts from the palm of their hand. So, if you live in Coventry and you haven’t yet registered to join the scheme, make sure you sign up before the app launches.”

Cllr Jim O’Boyle cabinet member for jobs, regeneration and climate change said, “It’s been a tough time for many local businesses due to Covid-19, but this new app will help them to promote their goods and services to a local audience.

“We have some really great local businesses in Coventry and we hope the new app will help local people to discover new shops and services on their doorstep. There are lots of really positive reasons to shop local and that’s what this app is all about. I hope businesses will take full advantage and I look forward to Go CV members being able to download the app later this year.”

Smaller and independent traders will also be able to use the app to support online sales which many sole traders find hard to organise themselves.

The app is being funded by the Additional Restrictions Grant and is part of the Council’s commitment to continue supporting local business as well as providing discounts for local people.

Businesses can register at