New venue for historic Council meeting
Warwick District Council’s Full Council meeting, to consider proposals for a merger with Stratford-on-Avon District Council to form a South Warwickshire District Council will now take place at Warwick University.
The historic meeting scheduled for Monday 13 December at 6pm was to be held at Leamington Town Hall or the neighbouring Royal Pump Rooms. However, Covid-19 guidelines and the need to provide high quality acoustics for debate and live streaming, prompted Council officers to seek an alternative venue.
Warwick District Council’s Chairman, Councillor Neale Murphy commented:
“We’re asking our Councillor’s to debate and ultimately make a decision which could change the shape of local Government in South Warwickshire for the next 50 years. Having discussed the venue for this key meeting with Members the overwhelming feedback was that the location should be Covid safe and as accessible as possible for the many stakeholders and local people who want to watch and listen to the proceedings taking place. The wonderful conference facilities at Warwick University will fulfil this need.”
The full Council meeting will now take place at the Slate at Warwick University at 6pm on Monday 13 December. There will be a maximum of 20 seats available (more than could be available at Town Hall) for members of the public. As these will be allocated on a first come first served basis, the Council is encouraging interested parties to watch the proceedings live via the Warwick District Council YouTube channel.
The committee papers for both the Cabinet meeting taking place at 6pm on Thursday 9 December and Full Council meeting have now been published on the Council’s website.