Leading business figure to speak at launch of new mentor programme in Coventry and Warwickshire on International Women's Day
One of the UK’s most senior female business figures will launch a new initiative in Coventry and Warwickshire, giving aspiring businesswomen the support they need to help achieve their goals.
Baroness Ruby McGregor-Smith, the president of the British Chambers of Commerce, will be the guest of honour at the launch of the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce’s 21in21 Women in Business Mentoring Programme, on International Women’s Day, Monday, March 8.
The online event will see aspiring businesswomen paired with successful business leaders in the region to begin a year-long programme of mentoring and support. Applications opened in mid-January and the Chamber has been inundated with applicants for the programme.
The new initiative is being sponsored by the West Midlands Reserve Forces & Cadets Assocation (WM RFCA) and builds on the Chamber’s successful Women in Business network which has provided networking opportunities and inspirational role models for businesswomen across the region over many years.
Siamha Butt, Head of Engagement at WM RFCA, said: “We strongly believe that empowering the next generation of female leaders will have a positive impact upon both industry and the wider community.
“That is why the West Midland RFCA is excited to be part of the Chamber’s 21in21 programme. We look forward to working with both our inspiring mentors and mentees.”
Mentors have been handpicked from a range of sectors and backgrounds from across the region – including manufacturing and logistics through to hospitality and professional services.
They will provide their mentees with one-to-one support including advice, guidance and inspiration to help drive forward with their ambitions, either within an existing business or with their own venture.
Keely Hancox, Operations Manager at the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, will host the online event on March 8 and, after an introduction from a representative from WM RFCA, will get Baroness McGregor-Smith’s thoughts on the programme.
She said: “Ever since we announced 21in21, we’ve had really good interest so it’s been difficult to decide which mentees to bring forward on the programme as the applications were all so good.
“We are very excited to launch this initiative on International Women’s Day and to have Baroness McGregor-Smith as our guest of honour who will help offer inspiration to everyone who attends.”
For more information or to attend the event, email the Events Team at the Chamber: events@cw-chamber.co.uk