Submitting tenders to secure a contract to supply food and drink can be fruitful and profitable for many food and drink manufacturers. Raising healthy interest in your products can really help put the business on the map, and raise your visibility in the business community.
There’s a lot you can do in advance to be ready for when you find such opportunities. Sometimes they just present themselves, so it’s always good to have some of the work already done and the information to hand. Having some of the information that’s always likely to be needed for bids already prepared means you can spend more time on a tender’s specific requirements. It should also be of help when time is of the essence for responding to the tender.
GBSLEP has created this guide to provide you with the support and action you can take now to be ready for these opportunities as and when they arise. We’re also providing you with the key information you need to ensure you meet the grade, make your business competitive and, ultimately, win more of these opportunities.
Click here to download the guide
Click here to read about the West Midlands Sector Recovery Plan for Food & Drink Manufacturers.