Employers urged to sign up to Midlife MOT webinar

Employers are being encouraged to sign-up to a webinar next week to find out more about a new scheme to invest in their staff aged 50 plus.

The Mid-Life MOT is an initiative run in the West Midlands by the Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) in Coventry and Warwickshire, the Black Country and Greater Birmingham and Solihull following their successful bid for funding to the Government’s Department for Work and Pensions.

The LEPs are joining forces with the National Careers Service, Public Health England and the Money and Pensions Service to encourage people aged over-50 to plan their work, well-being and finances more actively.

A new portal has been set-up to provide a wide range of information and help for individuals and employers to support their staff with their skills, finances and mental health.

The first webinar for employers will be held on Tuesday at 2pm and businesses can sign-up by visiting https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_cIgRtXJ2RfuZELf4mPOoNA

Marion Plant, vice-chair of the Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership and chair of its Productivity and Skills Business Group, said a series of webinars would be organised over the next ten weeks.

She said: “The first webinar on Tuesday will give employers the opportunity to find out more about this innovative scheme.

“With many people living and working longer, this free service is an ideal chance to help people analyse their jobs and health to make sure they are prepared for the future – whatever that might bring.

“There is also a benefit for businesses since up-skilling staff is important from a long-term perspective as well as leading to an increase in productivity and showing staff you care for their well-being.

“We have brought together a whole host of experts to give advice and information on a range of topics which we think will prove really beneficial not only in the short-term but, more importantly, to help people plan for their future.”

For further information, please visit: https://www.midlandsopportunities.co.uk/mid-life-mot/ or contact Gemma Gathercole, Productivity and Skills Executive Officer at the CWLEP, on contact@cwlep.com

Caption: Marion Plant of the CWLEP