Annual rough sleeping count in Warwick District
The annual estimate of the number of people sleeping rough has revealed six individuals known to be sleeping rough on the streets of Warwick District.
This figure was confirmed following a spotlight street count which took place in mid-November combined with intelligence received from the Council and support agencies including P3, Warwickshire Police, Change Grow Live (CGL), Helping Hands, Salvation Army, LWS Night Shelter and the NHS, and compares to four rough sleepers recorded 12 months ago.
Although there has been a rise in the number of people rough sleeping, cases are significantly lower than the 21 reported in 2019.
Cllr Jan Matecki, Homes, Health and Wellbeing Portfolio says:
“Although this is six too many, I am pleased that we have been making good progress in our efforts to reduce the number of people living on the streets of Leamington and Warwick over the past two years. This reflects the positive work that has been carried out by a range of agencies including the Council’s rough sleeping team, the NHS, Warwickshire Police, voluntary and community sector groups and many others.
Through partnership working, we have been successful in reducing these numbers, but the hard work is not complete as many of those recovering from life on the streets will need significant support to turn their lives around. The council’s efforts looking forward, will focus on further preventative measures to reduce all forms of homelessness with the aim of eradicating rough sleeping completely.”
All local authorities must submit an annual figure to central government indicating the numbers of people sleeping rough in their area on a single ‘typical’ night, which this year was Wednesday 3 November. The figure is then independently verified by Homeless Link before being submitted to the government.
If local residents are concerned about a person they believe to be rough sleeping, they can report this to us via the Street Link website: