Automatic enrolment: Ongoing duties content toolkit April - June 2021

TPR is continuing to remind employers that their businesses may have changed, but their AE duties haven't.

To help keep these messages at front of mind for employers, we've produced a content toolkit focusing on ongoing duties: what employers needs to do and by when.

The key messages are:

  • Maintaining contributions – employers must make sure that staff are assessed correctly, enrolled into a workplace pension scheme if eligible, and that the right contributions are paid on time, on their behalf.
  • Re-enrolment – this is a two stage process. It remains the duty of the employer to complete and submit a redeclaration of compliance to TPR.
  • Nominate a contact – at a time where staff changes may have taken place, it’s vital to keep TPR updated with key contacts  – this will ensure that the right people receive important messages and notifications.

The materials are designed to target employers: click here to access the employer toolkit.

Information on what materials are included and suggestions on how they can be used:

  • Short news story and feature length article: these can be used in member communications and published on your website.
  • Social posts: we have suggested some posts that you can weave into your own social channels. We have provided links to our guidance for Twitter and LinkedIn/Facebook. You can also like/share TPR’s social media posts.
  • Supporting imagery: we have produced accompanying imagery for all of the above and separate specs to suit Twitter/LinkedIn and Facebook.
  • Further information: all the materials signpost to our COVID-19 employer guidance page.