COVID-19 Emergency Grant -Hospitality Sector
COVID-19 Emergency Grant.
We are pleased to announce we have secured enough funds to launch an emergency Covid-19 grant scheme providing an emergency one-off grant to support eligible hospitality workers impacted by the coronavirus.
This grant will be a one-off payment of £250 per household and you can access the application form further down this page.
We won’t be able to help everyone who applies but we will aim to reach as many people as the fund allows. If you have any questions please call our 24/7 helpline on 0808 802 0282 or if you are a member of our Employee Assistance Programme please call 0808 802 2111.
Please read the information below to start your application.
Can I apply?
You must be currently working within the UK hospitality industry or have worked in the industry within the last month.
Have savings of less than £1,000 per person or £2,000 for a family or couple (including rolling bank balance). We do not take into account any income you receive from state benefits.
You are experiencing financial issues relating to your employment status owing to coronavirus.
How do I apply?
Download the application form by going to
Provide evidence of your current or most recent employment within the hospitality industry by sending us a copy of a full month’s bank statement for the previous month showing your salary and name of employer.
Provide written evidence from your employer where you have either been made redundant or had your hours or pay reduced as a direct result of the coronavirus.
Email your completed application form and supporting evidence to the address included on the form.
Submit your email with the subject line 'C-19 Grant'
What happens next?
We will process all eligible grants who meet our criteria on a first come, first served basis.
Grants will be paid upon the next working day of being approved and processed.
Once the fund expires we won't be able to award more grants, but we will keep awarding as more funds are obtained.
We expect the grant to be exhausted quickly. Please have all the relevant information ready quickly.
Our regular grants programme is still open for applications, but we are already experiencing exceptional demand for our help.