Covent Garden Car Park and Community Wellbeing Hub

A structural survey of the aging, multi-storey carpark and wider recommendations for the future of Covent Garden area were considered by Warwick District Council’s Cabinet at last week’s meeting. Councillors resolved to create new proposals for the regeneration of this important part of town, recognising that the current car park is fast reaching the end of its useable life.  Support, in principle, was given to not only replacing the public car park, but generating wider public benefits, including working with partners to create a Community Wellbeing Hub.

Councillor Andrew Day, Leader of the Council commented:

“We’re determined to renew and repurpose this important area in our beautiful town. The upper decks of the old car park have been closed for some time and we’ve resolved not to waste public money patching-up a building that is no longer fit for purpose. Working with the Leamington Transformation Board, we’re keen to invest in Covent Garden for the area to be more attractive, supporting our town centre and offering good reasons for us all to visit.

Regenerating the Covent Garden site offers an opportunity to bring both public services and key community facilities together in one location. Options to create new car and cycle parks, plus one-stop access to health and community services will be carefully considered to ensure that enduring benefits are generated for our residents and local businesses.”

To enable proposals be properly considered, Cabinet agreed to commission a detailed feasibility study to create a Community Wellbeing Hub in Leamington town centre, bringing together amenities such as a GP surgery and other connected health services, as well as a citizens’ advice centre and post office.

This project will also address the future of the Covent Garden multi-storey car park site with comprehensive engagement with local residents, stakeholders, and partners to assess how the needs of all parties could be incorporated into any future plans.

In the meantime, the Covent Garden car park will remain open for business, with no decision or major changes made until such time as the feasibility work has been completed, which will potentially be in early summer 2023.