Council to partner with Citizens Advice to offer cost of living support
At their Cabinet meeting on 5 December Warwick District Councillors gave their approval to a new initiative which will see the delivery of a financial outreach service for hard-to-reach local communities.
The new service will be delivered by Citizens Advice South Warwickshire, who will be allocated £65k for the next three years. This funding will enable the appointment of three specialist advisers who will offer face to face support at pop-up clinics in key locations such as village halls, community hubs, health centres, libraries and churches.
The outreach service will be an extension of the existing Citizens Advice provision available at Hamilton Terrace, the Royal Pump Rooms and Community Pantry in Lillington, with the role of identifying and referring residents with complex financial needs who are currently unable to access support close to their home. The new team will work in tandem with a range of local providers and support organisations including the Warwick Foodbank, Age UK, Dementia Support, NHS, Warm Hubs and the Council’s Heart Partnership.
Warwick District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Communities and Leisure, Councillor Jim Sinnott commented:
“The cost of living continues to have an impact on residents, putting pressure on households who are faced with difficult decisions about what expenditure to prioritise. In addition, there are residents living in our area who are isolated and vulnerable, be it through a health condition or lack of connection with their local community with no family close by, so therefore may be unaware of support that is available such as energy grants or foodbank vouchers.
The Council is keen to what it can to help families and vulnerable individuals who are struggling. We strongly believe that Citizens Advice South Warwickshire who can offer free, independent, confidential and impartial advice are the best placed organisation to make a real impact in our area.”
Julie Robinson, Chief Executive of Citizens Advice South Warwickshire added:
“This is a hugely beneficial, timely and generous investment from Warwick District Council, and we are thrilled to have the opportunity to extend our service into communities where so many people really do need our help. We have been working solidly in recent years to strengthen the delivery of our service, following the challenges brought about by Covid - and we’ve made significant strides. We offer a professional daily telephony service; we’re open more for face-to-face advice; and a slicker training programme streamlines more volunteers through to the front line where they can help our clients.
Now is absolutely the time to reach further into the next phase of our charity’s development - embedding our presence in surrounding communities and making it easier for people to access our help.”
It is expected that the new outreach service will be operational early in the new year.