Andy Street gets a first-hand view of Leamington Spa plans

On a visit to Leamington Spa, Warwick District Council Leader Andrew Day gave the West Midlands Mayor a walking tour and briefing on preparations to host venues for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games. Stops were also made to inspect key regeneration projects and to review opportunities across the Creative Quarter, as well as dropping into check-out the action at 1 Mill Street.

At the Town Hall, Mr Street was briefed on the emerging South Warwickshire Local Plan and draft Economic Strategy, before visiting Victoria Park to get a first-hand view of the Bowling Greens, which have undergone a two-year improvement programme to ensure that they are in pristine condition in time to be handed over for July’s Games.

West Midlands Mayor, Andy Street commented:

“With less than six months to go, it’s been great to see Leamington Spa embracing the opportunity of welcoming thousands of visitors from around the world to the largest sporting and cultural event ever to be held in this region. I’m also impressed by the many innovative and creative regeneration projects happening here and the work that the Council is doing to lead their town and district on this exciting new journey.”

Leader of Warwick District Council, Councillor Andrew Day added:

“The sun shone on Leamington Spa for Andy’s visit, which has given us all a welcome boost with our ambitious plans. The West Midlands Combined Authority is a key partner and I’m grateful for the interest shown and the encouragement we have received from this visit. Our team of officers did a first-class job presenting the many challenges and opportunities that we’re addressing.

These are exciting times for our town and district, and we’re delighted to have the opportunity to showcase the wide range of projects happening here and the sense of optimism for our whole region, as we prepare to host venues for this summer’s Commonwealth Games.”