Tender for district's Tennis Courts
As part of a review of the outdoor sports provision across Warwick district in December 2021, Councillors approved an approach that would see Warwick District Council seek tenders for the operation of the tennis courts in the district.
Organisations will be invited to take part in the tender process which will go live at the end of this month, with the new arrangements aimed to be in place by Spring 2023. In addition, funding has been secured to resurface the courts at Victoria Park, replace the current floodlights with LED lamps and install an online booking and payment system, elevating those courts to the same standards as those at Christchurch Gardens.
VP Tennis currently operate the tennis courts at Victoria Park, and will now be given 6 months’ notice, in accordance with the terms of their licence, to accommodate the outcome of the tender process. VP Tennis can tender for the operation of the tennis courts should they wish to do so, and will be able to draw on their experience of delivering a tennis offer at Victoria Park.
Councillor Moira-Ann Grainger, Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood & Leisure
“We know how much our residents enjoy the availability of grassroots sport in their local community venues, and we want to ensure we can continue to offer everyone the best value that we can, whether they are our up-and-coming stars of the future, or families and friends playing together for leisure, fun and fitness.
This tender process provides an opportunity for the council to increase its tennis provision across the district and provides a funding stream to reinvest into maintaining, improving, and securing the long-term future of tennis in this district.”
Residents can continue to play tennis, please visit the website for details.