Merger proposals withdrawn

Plans to create a South Warwickshire District Council have been halted, with Councillors voting unanimously to withdraw from proposals to merge with Stratford-on-Avon District Council.

At last night’s Annual Meeting, Councillors resolved to request that the Department for Levelling up, Housing and Communities end the integration of the two councils, bringing to a close the full merger plans, which included shared civic and office accommodation.  

Joint work will continue however, on key partnerships that are already underway, such as the new joint Waste Management Service, the Climate Action Plan, the creation of the South Warwickshire Economic Strategy and Local Development Plan.

Cllr Andrew Day, Leader of Warwick District Council said: “This is not the place we wanted to be in, and whilst we’re disappointed to be here, it’s still a good place to be. Right from the beginning of the merger process, our residents and stakeholders backed the need for change in our local government. The work we’ve done has already generated significant benefits, many of which will endure. We will continue to transform the way Warwick District Council serves the community, keeping a keen focus on our local residents, businesses and other key stakeholders.

“This council has clearly demonstrated that it is progressive in its outlook, working in a fiscally responsible way to take calculated risks that bring real improvements across Warwick District. Whilst the merger did not work out as we anticipated, it is right to acknowledge that these efforts have helped us more rapidly advance many key intiaitives.”

Cllr Andrew Day added, “I would like to put on record my thanks to all of the hardworking officers of this council, who have never lost sight of what we’re here to do. Supporting residents, businesses and our communities during the pandemic and then working so hard towards the merger proposals, during a long period of uncertainty for them. Myself and my fellow councillors have been ‘gob smacked’ by their dedication and exceptional commitment to a high quality service and recognise our responsibility to support their ongoing wellbeing.”

Councillor Day shared his new Cabinet for the forthcoming year and the council will now return to its solo management team.