Council launches Net Zero Carbon Development Plan consultation

Warwick District Council has launched a Regulation 19 consultation seeking public views on the soundness and legality of its draft Net Zero Development Plan Document (DPD).

The ground-breaking planning policy document has been developed as part of the Council’s ambitious Climate Emergency Action Plan which, if adopted will impose standards on developments to meet the Council’s target of net zero carbon or as close as possible, by 2030 and the government’s target of meeting net zero carbon nationally by 2050. 

Warwick District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Climate Change, Councillor Alan Rhead commented:

“In order to deliver sustainable new buildings, it is vital that we prioritise the issue of carbon emissions particularly in light of the climate emergency. By ensuring that new developments are net zero on completion, the need for expensive retrofits when the old-style energy systems become redundant can be avoided. I therefore recommend that local people take a look at this new draft document which addresses these issues in more detail than the policies in the current Local Plan (2011-2029).”

This new consultation follows the Regulation 18 consultation which took place from July to September 2021. Details of the Net Zero Carbon DPD can be found on the Warwick District Council website

The public have until Wednesday 8 June 2022 to make their views on the legal compliance and soundness of the plan.