Council commits to further protection of endangered birds

Measures taken by Warwick District Council to provide a site for endangered grass nesting birds to breed on St Mary’s Lands in Warwick seem to have had a beneficial impact.

From late February to early September the Council installed temporary fencing around an area known as the Lammas Field where Skylarks and Meadow Pipits have historically laid their eggs in the long grass, a move which was strongly supported by the Warwickshire Wildlife Trust.

An evaluation of the six month trial has shown that for the first time in many years, the number of nesting Skylarks on St Mary’s Lands has increased with 11 nesting sites being recorded, compared to eight previously, with over half of the nests located in the new protected area. While Skylark numbers have increased, the number of breeding pairs of Meadow Pipits remains unchanged at 2-3 pairs.

Ward Councillor and Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Culture and Tourism, Liam Bartlett commented;

“While this is a small increase and far short the 70 breeding Skylarks seen in the 1960s, it is good to see the population slowly growing. The Council is committed to improving the biodiversity of our green spaces and preserving the natural breeding habitats of endangered species. We therefore plan to repeat the protection measures again next year, so we can look forward to a future when we can once again enjoy the sight and sounds of these wonderful song birds.”