Fire incident - latest update

Update – Wednesday 1 September

The fire and police services remain at the site of Friday’s significant fire in Juno Drive, Leamington. Warwick District Council is leading the response to the clean-up of debris and will soon be clearing the immediate roads of Hermes Close and Juno Drive.

Reports of debris have been received and as previously advised following advice from Public Health England (PHE), the residue is not considered to be hazardous to health and can be safely removed and disposed of at home in your general waste.

Although toxins or contaminates from plastics will have been eliminated as they burnt, PHE have cautioned that any particles, ash and soot included, can be an irritant. Therefore precautions should still be taken when dealing with soot and debris.

PHE’s advice is to:

  • Remove small areas of fine debris/soot wearing rubber gloves, wiping the surface with a dry cloth. A damp cloth can then be used to remove any remaining remnants. The waste, including gloves, should then be bagged and binned. Hands should be washed
  • Care should be taken when clearing large and sharp debris. Wear rubber gloves and bag and bin the waste
  • Soot can be safely washed off vehicles and outdoor furniture by using a fine water spray
  • Fruits and vegetables grown in the garden should be washed and peeled before they are consumed

PHE would not expect there to be a significant risk from short-term contact with soot in gardens. Because of its size it is unlikely that it could be inhaled if disturbed and therefore unlikely to cause any respiratory symptoms.

If residents are concerned about any residue in their area due to the volume or size of the debris, please email with your address and contact information.

Advice for businesses

Businesses should follow the advice provided. Those businesses in the immediate area will be contacted by the Police and Fire Service to regain access to their premises. If required, signposting on debris clearance is available from the District Council via the emergency planning email address.

Advice for farmers

Following advice received from the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA), farmers with livestock or agricultural land for grazing/harvesting are advised to:

  • Remove any large pieces of debris as per the advice provided.
  • Don’t graze animals on the land until the debris is removed
  • Allow time for particles to be rained into the land before grazing or harvesting
  • Check water troughs thoroughly and replace water as needed

Community support

Anyone affected by the events of the fire can contact the Community Wellbeing Team at Warwick District Council for support, guidance and welfare visits if appropriate –