Riverside House site public consultation opens

Following agreement by the Warwick District Council Cabinet, the public is being invited to give their views on the future regeneration of the site of Council’s HQ on Milverton Hill.

A new Leamington Spa Neighbourhood Plan, a commitment to address the Climate Emergency and an ambition to enhance public access to the river are all considerations that have helped to shape the draft development brief for this important site.

The consultation is part of the Council’s ambition to form a strong and cooperative dialogue with all interested parties including the Town Council, the Leamington Society, the Chamber of Trade, other local community groups and neighbours to gain a collective view on any future development.

The Leader of Warwick District Council, Councillor Andrew Day commented:

“New thinking, driven by our response to the Climate Emergency and a recognition that the pandemic has fundamentally changed the way we work, means that this key site can come forward for a changed purpose.” 

“Riverside House has been virtually empty for more than a year, with most staff working remotely. The building will not enable us to meet our climate change goals and is an increasing burden on council tax payers.”

“We’re keen to create the maximum public benefit possible from this regeneration opportunity, so would like to hear the views of as many as possible on how we can achieve this.”

The Riverside House site public consultation runs from 26 July until 1 October. The full documentation and information on how to respond is available on the Council’s website www.warwickdc.gov.uk/RSHconsultation. There will also be three online Q & A sessions on; 12 August at 2pm, 25 August at 1pm and 14 September at 6pm.

Feedback from the consultation will be presented to the Council’s Cabinet in November.

The future office accommodation of Warwick District Council will be considered separately at a future date and is no longer connected with the redevelopment of the Covent Garden car park site.