SGGS Work Experience Programme seeks Employer Engagement

At SGGS we have a long history of students interacting with local employers through work experience and volunteering opportunities. This is not only a valuable experience for students as they prepare for future employment, but also offers the opportunity for employers to find out more about, and connect with, the next generation of employees.

Year 12 students have the opportunity to attend work experience placements throughout the year on Wednesday afternoons as part of our Curriculum Enrichment programme, as well as for a whole week in the summer term.

The effects of national lockdowns due to the pandemic have had a considerable impact on the availability of quality work experience placements. Following the disruption caused by these restrictions, we are looking to expand our directory of local employers who are willing to provide work experience placements for our students, so that when the guidance allows, we can re-launch our work experience programme. Feedback from our students tells us that they have really missed not being able to experience live placements.

If you would be interested in supporting us with this programme, please complete or update your details on this form.

Offers would be gratefully received from all areas of industry. Placements are particularly sought in the following areas: medicine, dentistry, veterinary, pharmacy, chemical engineering, civil engineering, environmental, law, politics, languages, business and management, finance, accounting, marketing, publishing, architecture, product design, and computing. However, many students recognise the benefit of any placement for the insights it can provide, therefore we welcome offers from across the sectors.

Please pass these details on to others in your networks who may also be able to offer support.

Many thanks in advance for your support.


Kind regards,

Jo Pearson

Careers & Work Experience Coordinator