Closure of Linen Street Car Park
Following many months of analysis and investigation work, Warwick District Council has made the decision to permanently close the Linen Street Multi-Storey Carpark in Warwick from 18 July on safety grounds.
In preparation for the closure, the Council has put in place plans to reduce the impact of the loss of the car park and to minimise any disruption to residents, businesses and visitors.
The detailed proposals, which will be widely publicised, include more extensive use of the less expensive ‘park and stride’ car parks on Hampton Road and St Mary’s Lands where charges are as little as £1 per day.
Warwick District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services & Climate Change, Councillor Alan Rhead commented:
“This has been a very difficult decision, but the car park has been declared unsafe for motorists and their vehicles by our specialist consultants.”
“There are a number of car parks on the periphery of Warwick, which are currently underutilised and for many daily commuters into the town are undiscovered! We would therefore like to direct long-stay motorists to these sites which are about a ten-minute walk away. By using these they will make significant savings, and, also be doing their bit to help to reduce carbon emissions in the town centre hotspots.”
Council representatives will be at Warwick Market on Saturday 10 July distributing information, car park maps and free parking vouchers. Further details are available on the Warwick District Council website.
Linen Street season ticket and permit holders have already been notified of the closure and offered alternative parking options.
Councillors have asked Council officers to draw-up options for the future use of the site.